About us
At the SDT, our duty is to maintain the public’s confidence in the reputation of the solicitor profession for honesty, probity, trustworthiness, independence, and integrity.
We hear cases of alleged misconduct by solicitors, registered European Lawyers, registered foreign lawyers and employees of solicitors’ firms.
We determine applications for restoration to the Roll and the ending of suspension from practice. We also hear Appeals in relation to certain internal decisions by the SRA. All decisions are subject to a right of Appeal to the High Court.
The SDT is an independent statutory Tribunal that adjudicates upon alleged breaches of the rules and regulations applicable to solicitors and their firms.
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The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT) has the power to strike a solicitor’s name off the Roll, suspend a solicitor from practice, impose restrictions upon practise, fine or reprimand a solicitor or make any other order, or combination of Orders within its powers.
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You’ll find a range of useful SDT resources here, from guides and forms to our FAQs and policies.