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Judgment search results

Case number 8958 / 2003

8958 / 2003 – David Ellis Charity

Respondent: David Ellis Charity

Outcome: Suspend - Indefinite

Allegation: Breaches, Criminal Convictions, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules, Others

Case number 8545 / 2002

8545 / 2002 – A D Hamilton & Another

Respondent: A D Hamilton & Another

Outcome: Fine, Strike off

Allegation: Breaches, Client Money, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules, Others

Case number 8622 / 2002

8622 / 2002 – Stephen Thomas Bailey and Another

Respondent: Stephen Thomas Bailey and Another

Outcome: Fine, Strike off

Allegation: Client Money, Delays, Failures, Others

Case number 8724 / 2002

8724 / 2002 – P T Pressler and P D Higab

Respondent: P T Pressler and P D Higab

Outcome: No Order, Strike off

Allegation: Client Money, Solicitors' Accounts Rules

Case number 8657 / 2002

8657 / 2002 – Charles Thomas Phillips

Respondent: Charles Thomas Phillips

Outcome: Prohibition Order

Allegation: Breaches, Failures, Others

Case number 8524 / 2002

8524 / 2002 – Iorwerth John Morris and Michael John Elliott

Respondent: Iorwerth John Morris and Michael John Elliott

Outcome: Prohibition Order, Suspend - Fixed Period

Allegation: Breaches, Others

Case number 8685 / 2002

8685 / 2002 – D J Bultitude and N C Ritson

Respondent: D J Bultitude and N C Ritson

Outcome: Reprimand, Strike off

Allegation: Client Money, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules

Case number 8679 & 8680 / 2002

8679 & 8680 / 2002 – Anis Luqmani

Respondent: Anis Luqmani

Outcome: S.43 Order (clerks)

Allegation: Others

Case number 8522 / 2002

8522 / 2002 – Susan Catherine Waterston

Respondent: Susan Catherine Waterston

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Client Money, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules

Case number 8523 / 2002

8523 / 2002 – Edward David Lewis Edwards

Respondent: Edward David Lewis Edwards

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Client Money, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules, Others

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