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Case number 12502 / 2023

12502 / 2023 – Bhavani Rajaya Laxmi Hogarty, Maeve Teresa Vickery

Respondent: Bhavani Rajaya Laxmi Hogarty, Maeve Teresa Vickery

Outcome: No Order

Allegation: Breaches, Solicitors' Accounts Rules

Case number 12502 / 2023

12502 / 2023 – Guy Andrew Adams

Respondent: Guy Andrew Adams

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Code of Conduct 2011, Dishonesty, Lack of Integrity, Solicitors Accounts Rules 2011, SRA Principles 2011

Case number 11606 / 2017

11606 / 2017 – JRT

Respondent: JRT

Outcome: Allegations not substantiated, No Order

Case number 12547 / 2024

12547 / 2024 – Mathew Moghan Rajamohan Chellam

Respondent: Mathew Moghan Rajamohan Chellam

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Breaches, Code of Conduct 2011, Criminal Convictions, SRA Principles 2011

Case number 12549 / 2024

12549 / 2024 – Michael Baker

Respondent: Michael Baker

Outcome: Suspend - Fixed Period

Allegation: Breaches, Lack of Integrity, Practice Framework Rules, SRA Principles 2011

Case number 12523 / 2023

12523 / 2023 – Sunny Sidhu

Respondent: Sunny Sidhu

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Breaches, Code of Conduct for Solicitors, REL's & RFL's 2019, Dishonesty, Lack of Integrity, SRA Principles 2019

Case number 12564 / 2024

12564 / 2024 – Danielle De Carpentier

Respondent: Danielle De Carpentier

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Criminal Convictions, Dishonesty, Lack of Integrity, SRA Principles 2011

Case number 12506 / 2023

12506 / 2023 – Pravin Jugdaohsingh

Respondent: Pravin Jugdaohsingh

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Breaches, Code of Conduct for Solicitors, REL's & RFL's 2019, Dishonesty, Lack of Integrity, SRA Principles 2019

Case number 12486 / 2023

12486 / 2023 – Richard Gregory Barca

Respondent: Richard Gregory Barca

Outcome: Fine

Allegation: Code of Conduct 2011, SRA Principles 2011

Case number 12550 / 2024

12550 / 2024 – Paulina Marianna Jastrzebska

Respondent: Paulina Marianna Jastrzebska

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Breaches, Criminal Convictions, SRA Principles 2019

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