Guidance Note on Other Powers
This Guidance Note on Other Powers consists of a distillation of current Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (“the Tribunal”) principles brought together in one document.
The document includes general guidance on applications by suspended and struck-off solicitors, Registered European Lawyers (REL) and Registered Foreign Lawyers (RFL) for termination of a period of suspension and restoration to the Roll or Register of European or Foreign Lawyers respectively.
It also includes guidance on applications by a solicitor’s employee for review and revocation of an Order imposed under Section 43 of the Solicitors Act 1974 (as amended). Every case is fact-specific, and this Guidance Note consists of guidelines for applications; it is not intended in any way to fetter the discretion of the Tribunal when deciding such applications. The exercise of its powers and the granting of applications are matters solely for determination by the Tribunal.
The purpose of this Guidance Note is to assist the parties, the public and the legal profession in understanding the Tribunal’s decision-making process.