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Judgment search results

Case number 8533 / 2002

8533 / 2002 – Anne Christine Dixon

Respondent: Anne Christine Dixon

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Breaches, Client Money, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules

Case number 8537 / 2002

8537 / 2002 – Mohammed Irshad

Respondent: Mohammed Irshad

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Breaches, Client Money, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules, Others

Case number 8538 / 2002

8538 / 2002 – Allen Hugh Cottell

Respondent: Allen Hugh Cottell

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules, Others

Case number 8540 / 2002

8540 / 2002 – William David Moore

Respondent: William David Moore

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Criminal Convictions

Case number 8543 / 2002

8543 / 2002 – Nicholas Adrian Lawrence

Respondent: Nicholas Adrian Lawrence

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Failures, Others

Case number 8544 / 2002

8544 / 2002 – Margaret Anne Davies

Respondent: Margaret Anne Davies

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Failures, Others

Case number 8546 / 2002

8546 / 2002 – Kevin Alphonsus Dooley

Respondent: Kevin Alphonsus Dooley

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules, Others

Case number 8548 / 2002

8548 / 2002 – Philip Jolyon Huxtable

Respondent: Philip Jolyon Huxtable

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Client Money, Others

Case number 8553 / 2002

8553 / 2002 – Andrew John Tempest

Respondent: Andrew John Tempest

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Failures, Others

Case number 8555 / 2002

8555 / 2002 – Anne-Marie Jeffrey

Respondent: Anne-Marie Jeffrey

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Breaches, Failures, Others

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