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Judgment search results

Case number 9183 / 2005

9183 / 2005 – Barrie Christopher Jackson

Respondent: Barrie Christopher Jackson

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Client Money, Failures

Case number 9184 / 2005

9184 / 2005 – Adrian Gerard Donkin

Respondent: Adrian Gerard Donkin

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Breaches, Client Money, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules, Others

Case number 9185 / 2005

9185 / 2005 – Arlene McNaught

Respondent: Arlene McNaught

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Others

Case number 9187 / 2005

9187 / 2005 – Mulkh Raj Mehta

Respondent: Mulkh Raj Mehta

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Breaches, Failures, Others

Case number 9190 / 2005

9190 / 2005 – Sentley Robert Wilson and Ian Edward Huntingdon

Respondent: Sentley Robert Wilson and Ian Edward Huntingdon

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Client Money, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules

Case number 9199 / 2005

9199 / 2005 – Roland Joseph Heslop-Gill

Respondent: Roland Joseph Heslop-Gill

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Client Money, Solicitors' Accounts Rules, Others

Case number 9200 / 2005

9200 / 2005 – Mohammed Omar Deane and Mohammed Zafar Iqbal

Respondent: Mohammed Omar Deane and Mohammed Zafar Iqbal

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Breaches, Client Money, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules, Others

Case number 9202 / 2005

9202 / 2005 – Winston Jesaiah Held

Respondent: Winston Jesaiah Held

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Breaches, Client Money, Failures, Others

Case number 9204 / 2005

9204 / 2005 – Richard Edwin Evans

Respondent: Richard Edwin Evans

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Criminal Convictions

Case number 9208 / 2005

9208 / 2005 – Harjit Kaur Sangha

Respondent: Harjit Kaur Sangha

Outcome: Strike off

Allegation: Criminal Convictions

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