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Corporate Social Responsibility

At the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal, we recognise the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a fundamental aspect of our operations. 

This Statement of Intent outlines our commitment to implement a robust CSR strategy which aligns with our vision and values, contributes to the environmental well-being of Tribunal stakeholders and staff and supports long-term sustainability. 

Our intention is to incorporate a CSR strategy over a phased period.  We will implement initiatives gradually, allowing us to continue the transition into a more socially responsible organisation whilst evaluating impact and managing resources. 

We will routinely review our objectives to identify areas for improvement and growth and updates will be provided here.

Our Strategic Goals

To ensure that all aspects of how we operate support our social responsibilities to those who work and interact with the Tribunal. We will:

  • Pay all staff and contractors, the London Living Wage, as a minimum. The principle of equal pay for equal work will apply to all members and staff.
  • Conduct a full review of existing policies to ensure that they are fit for purpose and relevant today and take proper account of the organisation’s social and ethical responsibilities.
  • Develop a policy covering all those who have caring responsibilities. This will include, but not be limited to, a full review of maternity and paternity provision.
  • Have designated staff representatives who will make representations to the Executive Team and the Board on an ongoing basis.

To ensure that we support and contribute to our local community and wider society. We will:

  • Ensure that all policies issued by the Board and Executive Team going forward have regard to the environmental impact of that policy and its wider impact on the organisation’s social and ethical responsibilities.
  • Collaborate with local charity/charities, community groups or schools, which will be promoted appropriately in our communications, and/or on our website and be the focus of our ongoing charitable fundraising and community activities for any given period.
  • Participate in days of local community work in order to give something back to the local community while also facilitating team building within the organisation.
  • Encourage staff and members to take part in in the London Legal Walk each year to raise funds for the London Legal Support Trust.
  • Participate also in other fundraising activities year-round such as sponsored walks, runs, cycle rides etc.

To ensure that we play our part in combatting the effects of climate change, we will:

  • Explore joining the Legal Sustainability Alliance, the leading sustainability network for law firms & the UK legal sector.
  • Undertake to ensure that all new policy made by the Tribunal includes a risk assessment of the impact of that policy for sustainability purposes .
  • Review the expenses policy to incorporate any appropriate sustainability improvements, such as   to emphasise use of public transport where possible.
  • Continue to review our office operations to be as environmentally friendly as possible (this includes ensuring effective recycling takes place, eliminate use of single-use plastics and packaging so far as reasonably possible, ensuring that office supplies are ethically and responsibly sourced).
  • Seek to remain as paper-free as possible as an organisation. 

CSR Update – 30 May 2024

Following on from our previous CSR update, as outlined, due to the Tribunal relocation, we made a deliberate effort to reuse as much furniture from our existing premises as possible.

The downsizing our premises resulted in surplus items of furniture and electrical equipment.  In line with our CSR commitments, we sought recommendations for charities that could benefit. With the assistance of Astop ( and their charity network, we were able to connect with several organisations that could make good use of these surplus items.  Details of two of the organisations to which items were donated are detailed below.

Minds United Football Club

Minds United Football Club is a Mental Health Football Club in London working in partnership to provide free inclusive football, leagues and much more. Minds United’s aim is:

“To use the power of football to improve the mental health and overall well-being of its members. This includes providing a platform at our clubhouse for social interaction, peer support, and the opportunity to improve physical fitness and develop new skills . 

To create a welcoming and inclusive community where individuals can come together through their shared love of football and use the sport as a means to improve their mental health and wellbeing. 

The club’s primary focus is on promoting positive mental health and reducing isolation, by providing a safe and supportive environment where people can connect with others who are going through similar experiences.

The club also works towards breaking down barriers and reducing stigma surrounding mental health issues by promoting awareness and understanding of mental health within the wider community.”

The items contributed to Minds United are now being utilised within their office space, and we are pleased to have been able to support them.

Cablab Collective

CabLab Collective is a London-based providing a platform for LGBTQ+ and ally performers, writers, and producers. Their mission is to support and showcase diverse voices within the LGBTQ+ community through theatre and performance arts.  Cablab Collective:

“offers a safe and supportive place to meet, socialise and be involved in performance and tech skill development workshops, rehearsal, writing and filming space.

The Collective fosters an inclusive environment where artists can express their unique perspectives, share their stories, and connect with audiences. Whether it is thought-provoking plays, captivating musicals, or experimental performances, CabLab celebrates the richness of LGBTQ+ experiences.”

CabLab have been able utilise surplus furniture and recording equipment within their space and we are delighted to have had the opportunity to assist them.

Additionally, donations were made to a local primary school and to tenants from within our previous premises.  For the remaining items for which we could not find a recipient, we approached Collaborate.  Collaborate upcycle unwanted furniture items, giving them a new lease of life with any remaining materials being repurposed and no items going to landfill.

With this approach, we have ensured that our surplus furniture and equipment have been repurposed in a manner that aligns with our ongoing commitment to social responsibility and environmental sustainability.

CSR Update – Office Relocation

The SDT has recently relocated to new premises and in line with our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), we have undertaken steps to ensure that the relocation reflects our future intentions and is as environmentally sustainable as possible. 

During the relocation process, we made a conscious effort to minimize waste by re-using as much of the furniture from our previous premises therefore reducing the environmental impact associated with the relocation of the Tribunal. 81.12% of the furniture at our new premises was re-used from Gate House. Only 18.88% of the furniture in Ludgate Hill was purchased as new, due to the custom layout of the new premises necessitating it.  This substantial re-use demonstrates our dedication to sustainable practices and the responsible allocation of Tribunal funds.

We are in the process of disposing of the remaining furniture and equipment in Gate House in line with our commitment to CSR. We will further update here in the coming weeks in relation to other sustainable measures we have taken in the relocation to our new premises.