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Launch of new Explanatory Note to Standard Directions, Glossary and template Answer and Statement of Means

We recognise that for those who are not familiar with our processes and terminology it can be harder to ensure that all the requirements of our Standard Directions are met. Working with key stakeholders we have reviewed our standard directions and as of 11 October 2022 these will be introduced in place of our existing standard directions.

To further assist parties, especially those who are unrepresented, we have developed an Explanatory Note and Glossary to ensure that the meaning of the terms we are using can be understood by all. This document includes the new standard directions. As well as adding this document to the website we will be sending it to non-SRA applicants and respondents with our initial correspondence to them.

Finally, we are introducing a template Answer and a template Statement of Means. The use of these documents is optional, but we hope that having the template available may be of some assistance to respondents in particular.

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