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Judgment search results

Case number 10007 / 2008

10007 / 2008 – Ranjanadevi Uttamrao Nikam

Respondent: Ranjanadevi Uttamrao Nikam

Outcome: Suspend - Indefinite

Allegation: Breaches, Others

Case number 10107 / 2008

10107 / 2008 – Jeremy Lloyd Orchard

Respondent: Jeremy Lloyd Orchard

Outcome: Suspend - Indefinite

Allegation: Breaches, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules

Case number 10112 / 2008

10112 / 2008 – Mohammed Riaz

Respondent: Mohammed Riaz

Outcome: Suspend - Indefinite

Allegation: Breaches, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules, Others

Case number 10121 / 2008

10121 / 2008 – Henry Earl Ellis

Respondent: Henry Earl Ellis

Outcome: Suspend - Indefinite

Allegation: Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules

Case number 10130 / 2008

10130 / 2008 – William White

Respondent: William White

Outcome: Suspend - Indefinite

Allegation: Breaches, Delays, Others

Case number 10137 / 2008

10137 / 2008 – Michael Robert Smith

Respondent: Michael Robert Smith

Outcome: Suspend - Indefinite

Allegation: Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules, Others

Case number 10166 / 2008

10166 / 2008 – Peter John Hardman (Sarah Peta Joan Hardman)

Respondent: Peter John Hardman (Sarah Peta Joan Hardman)

Outcome: Suspend - Indefinite

Allegation: Breaches, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules

Case number 10236 / 2008

10236 / 2008 – Timothy Onwuamaeze Ogbuagu

Respondent: Timothy Onwuamaeze Ogbuagu

Outcome: Suspend - Indefinite

Allegation: Breaches, Failures

Case number 9650 & 6954 / 2007

9650 & 6954 / 2007 – Omezie,Iban,Akinmoyo,Jasper,Orji & 2 Others

Respondent: Omezie,Iban,Akinmoyo,Jasper,Orji & 2 Others

Outcome: Fine, S.43 Order (clerks), Strike off, Suspend - Fixed Period

Allegation: Breaches, Client Money, Delays, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules, Others

Case number 9678 / 2007

9678 / 2007 – Denis Whalley & Another

Respondent: Denis Whalley & Another

Outcome: Reprimand, Strike off

Allegation: Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules, Others

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