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Judgment search results

Case number 10402 / 2009

10402 / 2009 – Desmond James Corlis

Respondent: Desmond James Corlis

Outcome: Suspend - Indefinite

Allegation: Breaches, Failures

Case number 10405 / 2009

10405 / 2009 – Dominic James Mitchell

Respondent: Dominic James Mitchell

Outcome: Suspend - Indefinite

Allegation: Breaches, Criminal Convictions

Case number 9863 / 2008

9863 / 2008 – Andrew John Tilsiter

Respondent: Andrew John Tilsiter

Outcome: AJA Appeals, Suspend - Indefinite

Allegation: Breaches, Client Money, Others

Case number 10018 / 2008

10018 / 2008 – S Dhama & Others

Respondent: S Dhama & Others

Outcome: Costs only, Fine, Strike off

Allegation: Breaches, Client Money, Delays, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules, Others

Case number 10049 / 2008

10049 / 2008 – J W Smith, M Rahman & Others

Respondent: J W Smith, M Rahman & Others

Outcome: Fine, S.43 Order (clerks), Strike off, Suspend - Fixed Period

Allegation: Breaches, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules

Case number 10139 / 2008

10139 / 2008 – P Douglass, & K Colton & Another

Respondent: P Douglass, & K Colton & Another

Outcome: Fine, S.43 Order (clerks), Suspend - Indefinite

Allegation: Breaches, Others

Case number 9871 / 2008

9871 / 2008 – A J Nulty & Another

Respondent: A J Nulty & Another

Outcome: Fine, Strike off

Allegation: Breaches, Others

Case number 9942 / 2008

9942 / 2008 – Dennison & Others

Respondent: Dennison & Others

Outcome: Fine, Strike off

Allegation: Failures, Others

Case number 10064 / 2008

10064 / 2008 – David Coleman and 22 Others

Respondent: David Coleman and 22 Others

Outcome: Fine, Strike off

Allegation: Breaches, Client Money, Delays, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules, Others

Case number 10129 / 2008

10129 / 2008 – Colin D Poole

Respondent: Colin D Poole

Outcome: Fine, Strike off

Allegation: Breaches, Failures, Solicitors' Accounts Rules, Others

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