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SDT Publishes Raw Data On Case Progress

For SDT Case Progress Data 2016, please click here


The SDT has decided to publish its raw anonymised data on case progress for 2016.  The data includes the date of the internal decision by the SRA to refer a case to the SDT (where available from the SRA) and the date of receipt of papers at the Tribunal for the purpose of certification to start the process. Publication of this information enables the public and profession to see much more clearly how long it takes cases to reach the SDT after the decision to refer has been made by the SRA. The data also includes information regarding the status of the legal representative acting on behalf of the SRA in respect of the proceedings (SRA in-house advocate or external panel advocate). The progress of each case through SDT case management hearings to substantive hearing is also outlined. The data will be updated from time to time as part of the SDT’s ongoing exercise to monitor its own performance to identify and address obstacles, particularly in relation to the reasons behind applications for adjournments. The most common reasons already identified as causes of delay are: (1) ill-health of respondents to proceedings (2) criminal proceedings issued after the SRA has sent disciplinary proceedings to the Tribunal to be issued (3) identification by the SRA of further allegations against respondents requiring a Supplementary Statement (Rule 7 Statement) to be issued, often when the original proceedings are well-advanced.

The SDT works in such a way as to be able to offer expeditious hearing dates within its own performance targets in every case. Delays in the hearing of cases are almost without exception caused for reasons entirely outside the control of the Tribunal and its administrative team. It is anticipated that the publication of this data will add transparency to the picture and enable the public and profession to understand more clearly why cases can take longer than might immediately seem necessary to reach a final hearing.

For further information, please contact Susan Humble, the Clerk and CEO of the Tribunal.



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