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Publication Of Guidance Notes On Sanctions And Other Powers

On 8 December 2016 the SDT’s Policy Committee, led by the President of the Tribunal Edward Nally, published the 5th Edition of its Guidance Note on Sanctions. This edition replaces all previous editions of the Guidance and will apply to all cases to be heard by the Tribunal after 1 January 2017.

For the first time separate Guidance has been issued dealing with the exercise of other powers of the Tribunal. In particular the Guidance includes factors relevant to applications for:

  • termination of periods of suspension
  • restoration to the Roll of Solicitors of struck-off solicitors
  • review of Section 43 Orders imposed by the Solicitors Regulation Authority on non-solicitor employees under Section 43 of the Solicitors Act 1974 (as amended)

The 2016 review of the Guidance was led by a Working Party chaired by Alison Banks (Solicitor Vice-President) with members Millius Palayiwa (Lay Vice-President), Martin Hallam (Lay Member), Gerald Sydenham (Solicitor Member) and Susan Humble (Clerk/CEO). Members of the SDT User Group Committee were given the opportunity to provide feedback, some of which was incorporated into the final documents. Edward Nally thanks all of those involved for their respective contributions, including the full SDT membership who were able to discuss the content on 23 November 2016.

In 2017 it is expected that future Guidance will be issued by the SDT providing information concerning applications to vary conditions on practice imposed by the Tribunal, enforcement of costs orders, and appeals to the Tribunal.

Click the headings below to access the Guidance:

Guidance Note on Sanctions (5th Edition)

Guidance Note On Other Powers Of The Tribunal (1st Edition)

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