Dr Stephanie Bown
Stephanie is a lay member of the Tribunal. She was appointed in October 2015. Stephanie has been the Lay Vice-President since 2019. Stephanie practiced as a doctor in the NHS for eleven years before completing a law degree and specialising in the field of professional indemnity and medicolegal risk management for twenty years. She has extensive experience of the legal and professional issues that arise in healthcare gained through supporting and representing doctors in regulatory and disciplinary and through working with governments and other stakeholders on policy issues.
As an independent consultant, Stephanie undertakes a wide range of investigations into serious incidents, governance and service reviews in the NHS and private health sectors. She is also an experienced mediator in healthcare disputes.
Stephanie is also an independent adjudicator of third stage complaints in the independent healthcare sector, as well as being a lay member of the Disciplinary Pool for the IFoA, and the Chair of the Disciplinary Pool subgroup.