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Applicant Solicitors Regulation Authority Ltd
Respondent Geoffrey White

Case details

Allegation Breaches, Code of Conduct for Solicitors, REL's & RFL's 2019, SRA Principles 2019
Outcome Reprimand
Executive summary

In the course of his duties whilst in a courtroom at Crawley Magistrates Court at a time when the court was not in session, Mr White showed Person A an image or “meme” on his mobile phone of a naked woman lying down on a table with bottles covering her breasts and stated that the person in the image resembled Person A. Secondly, on a separate occasion in the same setting, Mr White made an offensive and inappropriate comment about Person A which could be understood as alluding to her or colleagues within the Probation Service engaging in sexual activity linked or arising from her professional duties. Mr White admitted the allegations brought by the Applicant.

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