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Applicant Solicitors Regulation Authority Ltd
Respondent Richard Gregory Barca

Case details

Allegation Code of Conduct 2011, SRA Principles 2011
Outcome Fine
Executive summary

At the commencement of the hearing, Mr Barca made limited admissions to the allegations. As regards allegation 1.1, he admitted that he had breached Principle 6 in relation to Client P only. All other matters were denied. The Tribunal found that in addition to breaching Principle 6 as regards Client P, he had also breached Principle 6 in regards of his dealings with Clients I and J. All other matters were dismissed including the allegation that Mr Barca’s conduct had been dishonest or reckless in the alternative.

Mr Barca admitted that there had been a significant risk of an own client conflict in relation to Clients A, B and C, and that this amounted to a breach of Principle 6. He denied that Clients K and M (as described by the Applicant) were clients. Further, it was denied that his conduct lacked integrity in breach of Principle 2. The Tribunal found that Clients K and M were clients, and that there had been a significant risk of an own client conflict such that it amounted to a breach of Principle 6. The Tribunal did not find that Mr Barca’s conduct lacked integrity as alleged.

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