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Applicant Solicitors Regulation Authority Ltd
Respondent Dentons UK and Middle East LLP

Case details

Allegation Breaches, Code of Conduct 2011, Money Laundering Regulations, SRA Principles 2011
Outcome Allegations not substantiated
Executive summary

Dentons denied the allegations. The Tribunal found that Dentons had breached the MLRs, but that the breach did not amount to a breach of the Principles or the Code as alleged pursuant to allegations 1.2 and 1.3. The parties jointly submitted, and the Tribunal agreed that as a matter of law, it had no jurisdiction to impose a sanction where there was no breach of the Principles, Code or professional rules. The MLRs did not fall within those categories. Accordingly, whilst finding, as a matter of fact, that the Firm had breached the MLRs, the Tribunal had no jurisdiction to impose any sanction for those breaches. Mr Coleman KC submitted that given the position, the correct response would be to dismiss the matter, there being no finding of professional misconduct that engaged the Tribunal’s jurisdiction. The Tribunal agreed that this was the appropriate course. Accordingly, and notwithstanding its finding as regards allegation 1.1, the Tribunal dismissed the case.

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